
General Third Party Liability

Insurance covers civil liability insurance for damages caused for the treatment of persons. As a result of your professional or commercial activity, each person is associated with the relevant risks and may be harmed to contractors, service users or other treated persons. Public liability insurance has a wide application and scope.

Какъв е този вид застраховка?

The coverage includes the civil liability of the insured for the property and non-property damages caused to third parties during or on the occasion of carrying out activity:

  • Liability of hoteliers and restaurateurs - the liability of the insured as owners, tenants or tenants of hotels or restaurants for property and non-property damages caused to their guests, customers and visitors during the insurance period up to the agreed limit is insured;

  • Liability of persons using firearms - the insurance is intended for natural persons using firearms for security or self-defense, and is mandatory under the Explosives, Firearms and Ammunition Control Act;

  • Liability of the employer - the liability for damages caused to employees of the insured on the occasion of fulfillment of their obligations under employment contracts is insured. The Insured owes compensation as compensation for non-pecuniary and pecuniary damages caused to its employees as a result of an accident at work, which occurred in the performance of obligations arising from the contract concluded with them;

  • Liability of the tour operator - the liability of a licensed tour operator is insured for damages caused to the consumer of tourist trips with a package price, due to non-payment of the tour operator with its contractors, including due to insolvency and insolvency of the tour operator;
  • Liability of tenants - covers the liability of the insured as a tenant for non-pecuniary and pecuniary damage, the owner / lessor of buildings or third parties in connection with their intended use. The Insurer owes compensation for legally awarded amounts for compensation for caused property and non-property damages, as well as for those caused by persons working under his management or at his expense as well as members of his family.