Bulgarians are burning under a new scheme with second-hand cars from Italy. Those who wanted a new vehicle, who wanted to personally like and bring a car from Botusha, were given very good-looking vehicles at an attractively low price, which, however, later turned out to have obligations from traffic police fines or other burdens that could to exceed 2000 euros.
In order to deregister the car from the Italian authorities and to be able to bring it in, the buyers had to pay the debts if they wanted their acquisition to leave the borders of Italy. Petar Velichkov, who has been in the second-hand vehicle industry for almost 10 years, warned Monitor about this fraud. His advice is mandatory before buying a car is to check with a foreign agency for obligations. This was done by all Bulgarian agents who travel the markets abroad every day in search of a cheap vehicle.
If you still decide that you will not bring your dream car yourself, but will trust a dealer from a car dealership, you should be aware of some tricks of the sellers. Currently, one car from the largest car exchange in Bulgaria in Gorublyane feeds six people. A dealer, upholsterer, painter, truck driver, mileage return specialist and a person who reviews the ads abroad all day in search of a good ad - these are the people through whom almost every vehicle passes before entering the car dealerships in our country. and the trader to offer it as "unique".
About 80-90% of the cars on the markets in Lom, Vratsa, Montana, Gorublyane, Dupnitsa are the so-called problem cars. Some of them were imported at low prices because they had a stroke. Others had solid compartments but overhauled engines.
In order to take advantage of the advantageous offer, the dealers imported them, then bought a new motorbike from the morgue and installed it in the sturdy compartment. The customer cannot understand that the unit has been replaced. The reason is that when the vehicle is a new import, the German or Italian documents do not describe the engine number because it is considered a consumable. "Such cars are imported in our country, because the Bulgarian is a special buyer, he is quite demanding and at the same time he does not want to give a lot of money.
The client comes to me and wants, for example, a BMW model e46 after a facelift, with a three-spoke multi-steering wheel, with 17-inch wheels, dark in color and worth BGN 6000-6500. Well, there is no such BMW ", Velichkov commented to" Monitor ". Initially, he imported cars for end customers, but now he sells mainly wholesalers to dealers who take the car "raw" and begin to restore it. "When a buyer used to come to me, he looked at the mileage and if he started with 200,000, he said he had a lot. Cars over 200,000 kilometers are bought only by people who understand and are aware that for a maintained car this is nothing.
If the mileage starts at 300,000, no one looks at it. That is why the market kind of forces the cars to be 140-160 thousand kilometers away ", the importer explained. There is something specific about the vehicles on each side. When Peter brought cars from Austria, he didn't know any upholsterers or people who returned mileage. The reason - in Austria labor is expensive and when the car is to replace the clutch, the foreigner prefers to sell it instead of giving 1000-1500 euros for a new one.
Vehicles from the Apennines are slang among some traders as "Italian toilets". The reason they gained this fame is that in Italy the technical inspections are done every two years. When a driver leaves, he is told that next time he will not be released with these shock absorbers or pads and will have to change them. That is why the Italian drove the car for the last time for another 2 years, without investing a penny in it, after which he sold it to the Bulgarian agent.
The advantage of cars from Italy are strong coupes that have no rust. However, they often have torn upholstery, torn steering wheels and gear levers inside. For this reason, the traders in our country changed the whole salon. There were even comic cases. "They brought me a car from Italy for repair, which was a station wagon, and its seats were from a two-door car, because they had handles for lifting on the side," mechanic Svetoslav Stefanov told Monitor.
The best dealers profit from cars that are above the middle class with large diesel engines. Abroad, they were bought by businessmen who traveled a lot. The owners serviced the vehicle only in official repair shops. However, when this car drove more kilometers - 400-500 thousand in 5-6 years, the businessman replaced it with a new one. Thus, with only one return of mileage in our country, the price of such a car immediately rose by 1000-2000 euros.
The experience of traders in Bulgaria shows that the reduction of kilometers is not a practice only among domestic sellers. Some Italian dealers also learned this trick, with which they wanted to take more money for the old car.
Source: profit.bg