If you have Casco insurance, it is important to check how long you have to file the claim with the defense. Usually this period is from 3 to 7 working days from the update of the event (excluding the risk of "theft of the entire vehicle" and "fire" - up to 24 hours after the event), but each protector has its own internal rules for the settlement of claims.
Carefully review your insurance policy to find out what your rights and obligations are, as well as how to remedy the damage - through an official service, a trusted service or expert assessment. Check if you have upcoming installments to pay. In case you want to receive full compensation or take a letter of assignment for repair in a service center, you need to have paid all the installments under the policy.
In order to receive compensation under your Casco car policy, it is necessary to obtain valid documents certifying the cause of the damage. These can be:
- bilateral statement;
- traffic police report;
- official note from the fire department;
- official note from the Metrological Service in case of natural disaster;
- official note from the Police in case of malicious actions by third parties;
- others.
In the event of an accident, only with material means, a standard bilateral statement of findings is filled in. In case of disagreement between the parties - who is to blame for the accident, the Traffic Police team visits the scene and draws up a report of the accident.
In order to file a claim under the Civil Liability Insurance to the insurer of the driver responsible for the accident, you should prepare the following documents:
- accident report or bilateral statement of findings;
- your personal documents;
- documents for paid expenses;
- bank account certificate.