In the spring, the ticket for public transport in Sofia becomes more expensive. The new price is not clear yet, but the increase will be at least 10 stotinki.
However, the change will not affect travel tickets, they may become cheaper, said Deputy Mayor for Transport Lyubomir Hristov. Proposals for changes in the tariff policy for travel by public transport will be clear in February. They will be submitted for discussion to the SOC together with a report on a loan of up to BGN 100 million, which will be withdrawn by the Center for Urban Mobility to cover old debts.
The goal is to stimulate travel with cards at the expense of tickets, said Hristov. New types of transport documents are being developed that are attractive, as well as a map for tourists, which will give discounts for visits to museums and galleries. Consideration is being given to loading cards on the Internet as well. For now, the way of calculating the price of the trip will not change. The options for dividing the city into zones, paying for distance traveled or time, are not suitable, the newspaper "24 Chasa" writes.
The package of measures envisages an increase in the fine for travel without a ticket, optimization of public transport lines and introduction of permanent control in all suburban buses.