How to survive the holidays without ruining the family budget

Publish date 09 December 2013
How to survive the holidays without ruining the family budget image

The holidays are a pleasant period in which one relaxes, has fun and ... overdoes it. And we don't mean overeating alone. On weekends, we have a habit of spending more with the excuse that "it's a holiday." However, having fun does not mean that we have to spend unreasonably. For starters, limit the use of your credit card. It is easy to forget about it, especially on holidays. Here are some more tips from CNBC on how to survive the holidays without declaring bankruptcy on January 1:

Make an initial budget

Start with an initial assessment of your own financial situation. See what you owe on your credit card, pay your bills. Then calculate what funds you have and determine the Christmas budget in which you will have to fit.

Talk to your spouse
Involve the people in your household in the planning described above. Together, set a budget, decide how much you will spend on gifts, travel, etc., so that no one is surprised, but also because several people think better than one.

Use the discounts

When shopping, review discounts first and don't hesitate to use discount coupons. When shopping online, compare prices on different sites. You can also use apps like PriceCheck.

Save fuel

Traveling during the holidays is one of the biggest expenses - that of gasoline. Charge where it's cheaper. Combine with friends and relatives for trips to huts and other holiday cities instead of everyone using their own car.

Check delivery prices

When we shop online, we often only consider the prices of purchases and completely forget about costs such as delivery. Many sites offer free shipping, so before you order, compare the delivery methods and costs of different online stores. Don't throw away gifts You don't have to be expensive and shiny to be nice! Intangible things like traveling or preparing a special dinner should also be seen as a kind of gift. Teach your children that doing something for someone you love does not always mean spending money. In this line of thought comes the following advice:

Fun without money

In winter, the malls are very popular because they are warm, and there you can choose gifts for everyone. However, these are not the only places where you can have fun. Depending on where you live, you can plan various winter activities that do not cost money (or at least not much) - such as a walk in the mountains, sledding, skating or the oldest winter fun - family making a snowman in the yard .
