The craziest car in Los Angeles

Publish date 22 November 2013
The craziest car in Los Angeles image

Los Angeles is filled with new shiny cars, but one of them stands out, writes Wired. This is a car like no other, a huge off-road convertible with an unprecedented design.

The car in question is called Youabian Puma and is displayed in one of the side halls of the showroom. However, there is great interest in it. It is provoked mostly by the respectful dimensions of the car - its length reaches 6.15 meters, and the height and width of its tires are 1.1 and 0.53 meters, respectively. The tires themselves are for off-road, and the off-road is supported by the huge clearance - 22.9 cm.

But that's not all. Puma is a convertible with a hardtop. It is electric, has over 20 sensors and works for 30 seconds. The engine is a V8 with a volume of 7.0 liters, delivers 505 hp. and acceleration from standstill to 60 mph in 5.9 seconds. Fuel consumption is not clear, but it is known that Youabian Puma has two tanks, each with a capacity of 68 liters. According to unconfirmed information, the consumption in the city is 16 l / 100 km, and that on the highway - 10.6 l / 100 km.

The total mass of the vehicle is also not reported. However, engineers have tried to reduce it as much as possible, relying on a fiberglass coupe and chassis made of aluminum and steel.

The price is also impressive - 1.1 million dollars.

