The opportunities to spend Friday night in our favorite city of Plovdiv are countless. You can always get together with friends and discuss the latest exciting topics, but to do the same with people from all over the world - no. This does not happen so often.
An event last Friday definitely attracted a lot of interest for our little Plovdiv. Berëzka became a small planet, where "Here and There" - the meeting of different cultures - was translated.
Volunteers Marcel from the Netherlands, Women from Ukraine, Elijah from Nigeria, Nelson from Cameroon and Yong from Thailand, who work on AIESEC social projects, immersed everyone in the spirit of their traditions, customs and culture.
They shared interesting facts from their native places, comparing them with the Bulgarian ones. The trainees spoke incredibly fascinatingly about their countries and supported their words with photos and many examples.
Everyone expressed their sincere bewilderment at some completely normal things for us. It turned out that the biggest and insurmountable difference for them is the differences in our national cuisines. The evening was full of jokes, laughter and fun.
After their presentations, each of them had a separate stand in the restaurant, where traditional objects were displayed. And although we "walked" from neighboring Holland through exotic Thailand all the way to distant Cameroon for one night, everyone present realized that the things that connect us are more than those that divide us. Both "here" and "there" you can meet amazing people with whom you feel at home.
In the short time they have spent in our country, they have already managed to create lasting friendships, both with each other and to find people they can count on in Plovdiv.