The government envisages the abolition of notarization in the transfer of car ownership. The proposal is part of the second package of measures to reduce the administrative burden, discussed today at an operational meeting of the Council of Ministers.
"There are no such practices in the EU. This measure was imposed by the specifics of Bulgarian conditions rather as a temporary one," argued Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Development Daniela Bobeva.
The Council of Ministers received 81 proposals from the individual ministries and 160 from the district administrations after coordination with the municipalities. Today, a total of 88 measures have been introduced. About 40 more in the field of construction are to be proposed at the next meeting of the Council of Ministers.
The effect of the implementation of the measures will be dropping or transition to registration of 13 regimes. The terms under 14 regimes and fees under 9 regimes will be reduced. The documents will be reduced by 34 regimes, the channels for access to services will be expanded by five, the procedure will be simplified by 14.
The measures are to be published on the website of the Council of Ministers and interdepartmental coordination is to be made on them.
It is envisaged that the procedure for issuing vignette stickers for people with disabilities will eliminate the need for more than one visit to the Social Assistance Directorate, creating an opportunity for receipt by mail. 150,000 people a year will benefit from this relief, Bobeva explained. She also announced that a number of fees in the system of the Ministry of Transport are reduced several times.
Bobeva expects resistance to some of the proposals. "The abolition of the regime and the fee affects someone and that someone, of course, will oppose," she said.
The Deputy Prime Minister clarified that each measure is accompanied by arguments in three directions - whether it is related to European regulations that can not be removed, whether there are such practices in EU countries and most of all what is its effect. Some of the measures will be submitted to parliament for discussion, and others, which require only a government decision, will take effect once adopted.
The cabinet is also reducing fees collected by museums and the national library. Bobeva gave the example that large fees are paid when presenting paintings abroad. We are radically reducing them so that they can enjoy the wonderful paintings of our artists abroad, she added.
The government has not abandoned the introduction of family income taxation. On the subject, Bobeva said that the ruling party proposed its introduction at the end of the mandate, because before that there are many reforms that need to be implemented.
"I don't know if we will be able to do it, but we have not given up," the deputy prime minister commented.
Source: dnes, bg