Britain is preparing for a population explosion in 67 days

Publish date 25 October 2013
Britain is preparing for a population explosion in 67 days image

67 days remain until 1 January 2014, which could be a turning point in the future of the UK, as a population explosion is expected.
On January 1, 2014, the British borders will be opened for 30 million Bulgarians and Romanians as the temporary restrictions for the citizens of Romania and Bulgaria expire, Janice Atkinson wrote in a commentary published in the British newspaper "Daily Express" and quoted by Focus.
The journalist points out that the country's leadership has not yet stated whether there are enough places on the island in schools, police and local officials and says that the government refuses to publish estimates of the number of immigrants from both countries who will arrive in the country from next year.
The report cites the Migration Watch lobby group, which estimates that about 50,000 people a year will arrive in the UK over the next five years. The ambassadors of Bulgaria and Romania to the United Kingdom predict up to 35,000 people next year. Data from the British Statistical Office show an increase in the number of immigrants by 26% only in April-June. 141,000 Bulgarians and Romanians already work in Britain.
The United Kingdom is a magnet for immigrants because of social benefits, housing, education and salaries, which are four or five times higher than those they receive in their home countries. This creates difficulties for the authorities related to infrastructure and unemployment. Nearly 2.5 million people are out of work in the UK, 600,000 of whom are EU immigrants. In the autumn of 2014, an additional 250,000 places will be needed in schools, and only for the children who are already here. More teachers will need to be hired, more special needs staff and more schools will have to be built.
We are suffering from a chronic shortage of housing, and this problem will deepen in the coming years. There are not enough midwives to cope with the rising birth rate. There are gangs in the UK that are responsible for 90% of all ATM crime on the island. 28,000 Romanians have been arrested for serious crimes in the last five years. At the same time, the number of police officers will be reduced, which will prevent the police from dealing with a potentially larger criminal wave.
The burden will be borne by the British taxpayer. We welcome those who want to work here, but we cannot afford to support those who do not. We need secure borders and ways to weed out those who want to come to the Island, the author writes.
