On May 27, 2021 for the thirteenth consecutive year were presented the most prestigious annual awards in the insurance and pension insurance sector in our country - "Insurer of the Year", "Pension Insurance Company of the Year" and "Insurance Broker of the Year" for 2020, as and the annual awards of the foundation “Prof. Dr. Veleslav Gavriyski ”.
The organizers of the event are the Higher School of Insurance and Finance, the Association of Bulgarian Insurers , the Bulgarian Association of Supplementary Pension Insurance Companies , the Prof. Dr. Veleslav Gavriyski and the Bulgarian Association of Insurance Brokers .
The awards were presented at an official ceremony in the hall of Higher School of Insurance and Finance, held online, due to anti-epidemic restrictions and was broadcast live on the Facebook page of the university.
Special guests at the ceremony were Mr. Boyko Atanasov, Chairman of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC), Mr. Lazar Lazarov, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Mr. Vladimir Savov, Deputy Chairman of the FSC, Head of the Insurance Supervision Department and Ms. Diana Yordanova, Deputy Chairman of the FSC, Head of the Insurance Supervision Department.
For another year, I&G Brokers was awarded first place in the category "Insurance Broker of the Year" - Life Insurance.
We thank our entire team for their professionalism and dedication, as well as our clients for the trust they give us. It is these awards that motivate us to continue to develop and give us confidence that we are going in the right direction.