Many of the Bulgarians who have chosen to celebrate the Christmas holidays outside the country will travel to our southern neighbor - Greece. A total of about 40,000 Bulgarians will celebrate Christmas and New Year there. For another year, Turkey ranks second - about 14 thousand Bulgarians, 12 thousand have chosen Serbia.
If you are going to spend the holidays outside Bulgaria, do not forget the security of you and your loved ones. Ensure your peace of mind during the brightest holidays.
What is medical insurance abroad?
If you like to visit different places abroad often, you have to travel for work or other reasons, then this insurance is suitable for you. With its help you will ensure peace and comfort during your stay.
This type of insurance is voluntary, ie. you are not obliged to conclude it, but it gives you a good chance in case of an accidental accident while you are abroad. With it you provide more security.
The main purpose of this type of insurance is:
The only condition is that the insurance event has occurred outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Bulgarian and foreign individuals and legal entities can be insured. The insurance covers the whole world, except for the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and the country in which the insured resides or has citizenship.
Medical expenses due to an accident or acute illness and repatriation are among the basic risks covered by the insurance. Death or permanent loss of ability to work due to an accident, theft of personal luggage, liability to third parties, etc. are additional options to your basic insurance. The term of the insurance can be from 1 to 365 days at the request of the insured.
The object of insurance could be one person or a whole group. The insurance can be for Bulgarian or foreign citizens for the period during which they will be outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The sum insured varies depending on the company you are making and the packages it will offer you, the number of people who will be insured, and the period of insurance. There may be a difference from the countries you will visit.
If you are still wondering whether to take out travel insurance abroad, then it's good to know that:
The most common type of insurance of this type is "travel assistance". It provides full coverage of medical expenses. Its application is worldwide. This is a great advantage if you have to travel outside Europe. All insurance companies offer travel assistance insurance. If you are interested, you will receive information about prices, preferential packages, as well as more detailed information about the insurance coverage.
If you are traveling only in Europe and you are insured, it is advisable to get a so-called European Health Insurance Card. Its removal is free, and it is valid for one year. Unfortunately, its issuance takes about 1 month, while the "travel assistance" insurance happens immediately and you can get it almost anywhere.
The health card provides you only for part of the medical services - emergency and urgent case (inflammation of the appendix, etc.). Usually only establishments and doctors who have a contract with the local health insurance fund are visited. The amount of coverage is limited. In most countries, this service is not free and you will have to pay a fee. The tariff is different for each country. Also, in most countries, dentistry is not included in the procedures you are entitled to. Medications for treatment are also limited to certain amounts and often require a surcharge, which is not insignificant.
Of course, you can always get travel assistance insurance - all these restrictions do not apply.