DallBogg: Life and Health will offer shared Civil Liability

Publish date 19 December 2013
DallBogg: Life and Health will offer shared Civil Liability image

The Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) has issued an additional license for a new type of insurance, namely General Civil Liability of DallBogg: Life and Health EAD. The company is part of the group of the Trade League - National Pharmacy Center AD, “ Tchaikapharma High Quality Medicines AD and Bulgarian Cardiology Institute AD.

During the current year the company received a license to operate under the following types of insurance: "Accident", "Illness", "Land vehicles (motor hull)", "Cargo during transport (including goods, luggage, etc.)", "Fire and natural disasters ”,“ Other property damage ”,“ Miscellaneous financial losses ”and“ Travel assistance (Assistance) ”.

FSC data show that as of September DallBogg: Life and Health has a gross premium income of BGN 3.33 million, which corresponds to a 0.3% market share in non-life insurance. The main part of the premium income (over 96%) is realized by the Sickness policy.

Source: profit.bg