Ranking of small joys in life

Publish date 17 December 2013
Ranking of small joys in life image

For all of us who may not be so blessed with beauty, who do not own a mansion, and have not yet experienced our moment of glory, there is good news. This is what the authors comment on the website of the British Daily Mail. They tell of a study conducted among 3,000 adults on the island.

The participants in the study were asked to point out the things in their daily lives that really give them great joy. The results have shown that happiness is available to all of us, as long as we appreciate the small pleasant events in everyday life.

As you read this, you may be in a better mood than on other days of the week. At least that's what the authors of the study suggest, who conclude that on Saturday people wake up more positive about life because they have two days off, and many of them keep their good mood on Sunday.

Another common reason for a person to feel happy, apart from the weekend, is the sun's rays outside or the smell of freshly cut grass. Here is the ranking of the 30 little moments in our daily lives that, according to the study, make people the happiest:

1. To find a banknote in old jeans.

2. To go on vacation.

3. To lie down in washed sheets.

4. To swim in the sea.

5. To wake up on a sunny day.

6. Sitting in the sun.

7. Be surprised with a gift or flowers.

8. To massage a person you love.

9. Let someone hug you.

10. To receive a card with thanks in the mail.

11. To see a couple of elderly people holding hands.

12. To drive a car with an open window on a sunny day.

13. To win a small amount of the lottery.

14. Book a vacation.

15. Hear your favorite song.

16. To find a good deal.

17. To see an old friend.

18. Picnic in the park.

19. To get a promotion.

20. Romantic night outside.

21. A song that reminds you of the past.

22. Looking at old photos.

23. Make friends with another person.

24. Stay alone for a while.

25. Take a walk in the rest of the country.

26. To hear a baby laugh.

27. To go out with the boys / girls, ie. friends.

28. To wake up on Saturday and realize that it is a weekend.

29. Chocolate.

30. Cake.