More expensive insurance for Danube cars

Publish date 21 August 2013
More expensive insurance for Danube cars image

Drivers who drive cars in the Danube cities will pay more for the compulsory Civil Liability Insurance (CI) because of the so-called Romanian insurance.
The increase is different depending on the volume of the car's engine and varies between BGN 24 and 35. This is clear from the tariffs of the insurance companies, published on the website of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC), Monitor reports.
Drivers from Vidin, Silistra and Ruse have been paying BGN 287 since the beginning of August for the compulsory policy. This applies to cars with an engine capacity of up to 1300 cubic cm, without a "Green Card" certificate, according to the tariff of a leading insurance company. At the beginning of the year, the insurance cost BGN 264. This is an increase of 8.7%.

There is also an increase in prices for more powerful cars. Insurance for cars with an engine capacity between 1,300 and 1,600 cubic meters has risen by nearly 13% to BGN 305. In practice, this means that drivers from Danube cities already pay BGN 35 more.
The price increase for vehicles with an engine capacity of up to 1,800 cubic cm is BGN 24. Civil liability for such cars is already BGN 307, the company's tariff says.

The rise in the price of "Civil Liability" specifically for these regions is due to the problems with the so-called Romanian insurance, explained the CEO of the company. He reminded that traditionally in these cities the policy costs more, because the cars with Bulgarian registration numbers and insured in our country are driven en masse by drivers in Romania. Thus, the risk is higher, and in case of accidents the compensations are more salty.

During the summer months, however, most companies have reduced the prices of compulsory insurance. For example, one of the leading companies offers cheaper "Civil Liability" for cars that are driven not only in Bulgaria but also in the EU.
From July, the price of the policy for drivers aged 31 to 40 who drive cars with an engine capacity between 1,500 and 1,600 cubic meters is BGN 264. At the beginning of the year, the policy cost BGN 291.

In most companies, however, the reduction is less and applies mainly to small towns in the country, it is clear from the tariffs of the companies.
